About Us
How do you...? is an e-guidebook for all Saint Lucians on how to conduct general transaction in the country. The objective of the blog is to equip Saint Lucians with ample knowledge of how to conduct general tasks they would eventually come across in their social lives. In addition, the platform hopes to furnish Saint Lucians with a clear understanding of what to expect from the engaging agency, as well as what the organisation expects from them upon conducting business with each other.
How do you …? provides Saint Lucians with the basic knowledge and understanding of the business process, the requirement and procedures for various organizational and societal tasks. As such, all Saint Lucians will be well prepared prior to engaging any of the organisations.
The information regarding these various tasks are widespread but stored at the institutions and often times not publicly available to Saint Lucians. This dearth in public knowledge contributes to the inefficiencies, time consumption and high cost of conducting business in Saint Lucia. This is where How do you...? comes in.
How do you...? conducts the research and gathers the critical information about these processes then post it on the platform for public consumption at no cost to Saint Lucians.